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Our story

Welcome to Sakura Knives!

We strive to educate enthusiasts and chefs alike on the importance of a sharp quality knife, and one day they too can have the opportunity to put their soul in a knife as well.
The most important tool in a kitchen, besides yourself, is the common knife. What makes it exceptional is the fit and finish, the steel, its sharpness. Those are the things that take something common and transform it into something uncommon and exceptionally, an extension of yourself and a connection to the soul.
“Japanese Chefs believe our soul goes into our knives once we start using them. You don’t put your soul in a dishwasher!” MASAHARU MORIMOTO. We are a destination for choosing high-performance Japanese cutlery.

A Little Bit of the History

About 2 years ago I was sitting on the couch and out of the blue, I said to myself, I NEED MORE KNIVES!!!!!!!!!
And so began a wonderful journey into Japanese cutlery. I had already been purchasing high-end knives for years as I was a chef for over 20 years at that point, but it was something that I really felt passionate about so I delved in headfirst. Before I knew it I had about 40 knives hanging on my wall. The more I collected, the more I wanted to talk about knives, and the more I dived deeper and deeper into brands, hamono, blacksmithing in general, and all the reputable dealers.
At this point, I knew this is what I wanted to do going forward. Educate, the masses about high-end Japanese knives!!!!!! After I cold-called all of Japan and every knife maker around lol, I finally started getting a little headway and some great people agreed to sell to me for retail. Fast forward to today. I am finally ready to open my very own online shop. Want to know the best part about selling knives? I get to use and learn about new knives every day!!!!! You just can’t go wrong when every day is NKD


We are happy to offer a flat shipping rate of $25 CAD to all orders in Canada and United States.

All shipping will take between 5 to 10 business days. For delivery in Canada and United States.

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Information such as name, physical address, email address, payment information, and order information is collected, used, and disclosed to complete orders made on www.sakuraknives.ca. For example, we use this information to process payment, facilitate delivery, and process returns.


With your consent, we may use your personal information to send you marketing-related communications, such as our email newsletter. You are able to unsubscribe from such communications at any time.

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